在斯利那加的野生生物工人抗议提高工资, 与官员见面, Wildlife workers in Srinagar protest for higher pay, to meet with officials if demands aren't met.
斯利那加的野生生物临时工在首席部长官邸外提出抗议,要求每月工资为9030卢比,高于目前每年在宗教节假日支付的2000卢比。 Wildlife casual laborers in Srinagar protested outside the Chief Minister's residence, demanding a consistent salary of Rs 9030 per month, up from their current annual payment of Rs 2000 on religious holidays. 在抗议之后,他们应邀于星期一在查谟与全国会议主席和森林部长会晤,讨论他们的要求。 After their protest, they were invited to meet with the National Conference President and the Forest Minister in Jammu on Monday to discuss their demands. 如果工人的工资要求得不到满足,他们将继续示威。 The laborers will continue their demonstration if their salary demands are not met.