印度农民向新德里游行。 Indian farmers marched towards New Delhi.
印度农民抗议并向新德里游行,要求政府保证农作物价格和更公平的条件。 Indian farmers protested and marched toward New Delhi to demand guaranteed crop prices and fairer conditions from the government. 数千名农民向首都游行,警察发射催泪瓦斯,并部署无人机在关键阻塞点投放催泪瓦斯罐,以驱散抗议者。 Thousands of farmers marched toward the capital, with police firing tear gas and deploying drones to drop tear gas canisters at key chokepoints to disperse protesters. 作为“德里查洛”抗议游行的一部分,农民还呼吁为农作物提供最低支持价格的法律保障,正如国大党领袖拉胡尔·甘地所承诺的那样。 As part of the 'Delhi Chalo' protest march, farmers are also calling for a legal guarantee of minimum support price for crops, as promised by Congress leader Rahul Gandhi.