Tacoma的警察局长Avery Moore在利用城市资产35年后于2月3日辞职。 Tacoma's Police Chief Avery Moore resigns effective Feb 3 after 35 years, following use of city asset.
Tacoma警察局长Avery Moore在执法工作35年之后辞职,自2月3日起生效。 Tacoma Police Chief Avery Moore has resigned, effective February 3, after a 35-year career in law enforcement. Moore于2022年担任酋长,因个人使用城市资产而于9月被安排行政假。 Moore, who became chief in 2022, was placed on administrative leave in September over the personal use of a city asset. 副科长Paul Junger将担任代理科长。 Deputy Chief Paul Junger will serve as the acting chief. 摩尔对他的职业生涯感到自豪,并感谢社区。 Moore expressed pride in his career and gratitude to the community.