西雅图警察局长Adrian Diaz和通信主任因性骚扰和歧视指控而休带薪假。 Seattle Police Chief Adrian Diaz and Communications Director placed on paid leave due to sexual harassment and discrimination allegations.
前西雅图警察局长Adrian Diaz和通信主任Jamie Tompkins在不断调查对Diaz的性骚扰和歧视指控期间被安排带薪行政假。 Former Seattle Police Chief Adrian Diaz and Communications Director Jamie Tompkins have been placed on paid administrative leave amid ongoing investigations into allegations of sexual harassment and discrimination against Diaz. SPD没有透露请假的具体理由。 The SPD has not disclosed specific reasons for the leave. 以前,调查包括迪亚斯雇用他的浪漫伴侣和滥用警车的指控。 Previously, inquiries included claims of Diaz hiring his romantic partner and misusing a police vehicle. Sue Rahr在Diaz降职后现担任临时酋长。 Sue Rahr is now serving as interim chief following Diaz's demotion.