西雅图临时警察局长苏·拉赫在八个月后下台,标志着安全情况显著改善。 Seattle's interim police chief Sue Rahr steps down after eight months, marking significant safety improvements.
西雅图临时警察局长Sue Rahr在八个月后即将下台,在这八个月中,SPD在公共安全方面取得重大进展,没有警官开枪射击。 Sue Rahr, Seattle's interim police chief, is stepping down after eight months, during which SPD made significant strides in public safety, including no officers firing their weapons. Rahr为了稳定部门稳定而退休,他相信新上任的Shon Barnes酋长将继续取得进步。 Rahr, brought out of retirement to stabilize the department, is confident that incoming Chief Shon Barnes will continue the progress. 在Rahr下,SPD公司第一年雇用的警官也多于2019年以来的离任人数。 Under Rahr, SPD also saw its first year of hiring more officers than leaving since 2019.