科学家创造有两个父亲的老鼠,突显遗传工程的突破和挑战。 Scientists create mice with two dads, highlighting genetic engineering breakthroughs and challenges.
中国科学家创造了有两位男性父母的老鼠,标志着基因工程的突破。 Chinese scientists have created mice with two male parents, marking a breakthrough in genetic engineering. 该研究发表在细胞尖细胞中,涉及对老鼠胚胎干细胞中的基因进行编辑,以创造双父后代。 The research, published in Cell Stem Cell, involved editing genes in mouse embryonic stem cells to create bipaternal offspring. 虽然小鼠表现出发育异常、寿命缩短和不育,但这项研究为在防止物种灭绝和再生医学方面取得进展提供了潜力。 While the mice exhibited developmental abnormalities, a shortened lifespan, and sterility, the study offers potential for advancements in preventing species extinction and regenerative medicine.