研究发现只有母体X染色体年龄的雌性小鼠在精神上较快,从而增加了老年痴呆症的风险。 Study finds female mice with only maternal X chromosome age faster mentally, raising Alzheimer's risk.
UC San Francisco研究人员的一项新研究表明,只表示母体X染色体的雌性小鼠比母体和父体X染色体的雌性小鼠的记忆力和认知力下降速度更快。 A new study by UC San Francisco researchers reveals that female mice expressing only a maternal X chromosome show faster memory and cognitive decline compared to those with both maternal and paternal X chromosomes. 研究显示,这种基因模式可以解释妇女大脑衰老率不同的原因,并有可能增加老年痴呆等疾病的风险。 Published in Nature, the research suggests this genetic pattern could explain varying rates of brain aging among women and potentially raise the risk for diseases like Alzheimer's. 研究结果突显了母亲X染色体在大脑功能和老龄化中的重要性。 The findings highlight the importance of the maternal X chromosome in brain function and aging.