拥有两种生殖系统的妇女在披露她独特的医疗案例后,在网上引起好奇心。 Woman with two reproductive systems raises online curiosity after revealing her unique medical case.
一名拥有两种生殖系统的59岁的中国妇女,在社交媒体上受到关注。 A 59-year-old Chinese woman with two reproductive systems has garnered attention on social media. 她生于比尚县,有两个儿子来自两个不同的婚姻,一个是女性,另一个是在身体因激素变化而发展出男性特征之后出生的。 Born in Bishan County, she has two sons from two different marriages, one as a woman and another after her body developed male characteristics due to hormonal changes. 这种独特情况引发了公众兴趣和在线讨论。 This unique situation has sparked public fascination and discussions online.