科学家加快了小鼠使用I FNGGM的雌性iPSC生产,这有可能改善XX人疾病模型的形成。 Scientists sped up female iPSC production in mice with IFNγ, potentially improving disease modeling for XX individuals.
基因组调控中心的科学家发现,将干扰素 (IFNγ) 添加到小鼠神经前体细胞中,可以使雌性诱导多能干细胞 (iPSCs) 的产生加速一天. Scientists at the Centre for Genomic Regulation have discovered that adding interferon gamma (IFNγ) to mouse neural precursor cells can speed up the production of female induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) by one day. 这有可能改善包括妇女、变性男子和患有Klinefelter综合症的男子在内的有两种X染色体的个人的疾病模型和药物检测。 This could potentially improve disease modeling and drug testing for individuals with two X chromosomes, including women, transgender men, and men with Klinefelter syndrome. 这一发现还表明IFNγ使X染色体的重新激活更有效,这可能有助于女性个性化医疗领域. The discovery also indicates that IFNγ makes X-chromosome reactivation more efficient, which could contribute to the field of personalized medicine for women.