Quinte卫生公司总裁敦促安大略在病人激增的情况下扩大医院的容纳能力。 Quinte Health Corp. president urges Ontario to expand hospital capacity amid patient surge.
昆特卫生公司总裁Stacey Daub敦促安大略省政府扩大医院能力和社区护理服务,因为呼吸道和胃肠疾病激增。 Quinte Health Corporation president Stacey Daub is urging the Ontario government to expand hospital capacity and community care services due to a surge in respiratory and gastrointestinal illnesses. 尽管最近进行了投资,但该区域的医院仍承受着压力,病人人数超过供资能力70人。 The region's hospitals are under strain, with patient numbers exceeding funded capacity by 70, despite recent investments. Daub还注意到适应新的信息系统Lumeo的挑战。 Lumeo增加了工作人员的工作量,但预计随着时间的推移将改善病人的安全。 Daub also notes the challenges of adapting to a new information system, Lumeo, which has increased staff workload but is expected to improve patient safety over time.