美国总统特朗普使用紧急权力"打开加州的水"的说法被官员们驳斥. President Trump's claim of using emergency powers to "turn on the water" for California was debunked by officials.
总统特朗普声称他使用紧急权力"打开水"为加利福尼亚帮助打击野火, 但这被州长盖文·纽森和国防部驳斥. President Trump claimed he used emergency powers to "turn on the water" for California to help fight wildfires, but this was debunked by Governor Gavin Newsom and the Department of Defense. Newsom说,南加利福尼亚州没有缺水,专家说,由于缺乏基础设施,从西北太平洋转移水是行不通的。 Newsom stated there is no water shortage in Southern California, and experts say diverting water from the Pacific Northwest is not feasible due to lack of infrastructure. MSNBC的Rachel Maddow批评Trump对水流的理解, MSNBC's Rachel Maddow criticized Trump's understanding of water flow, noting the claim is unfounded and absurd.