宾夕法尼亚州警在鹰队附近被一辆小卡车撞伤后腿骨折。 Pennsylvania state trooper suffers broken leg after being hit by apickup truck near Eagles game.
一名骑马的宾夕法尼亚州警在老鹰NFC锦标赛期间, 在林肯金融场附近被一辆小卡车撞伤, 腿断了。 A Pennsylvania state trooper on horseback suffered a broken leg after being hit by a pickup truck near Lincoln Financial Field during the Eagles' NFC Championship game. 这一事件是当士兵帮助驱散人群时发生的,导致司机因涉嫌酒后驾车和严重袭击而被捕。 The incident, which occurred as the trooper was helping disperse a crowd, resulted in the arrest of the driver for suspected DUI and aggravated assault. 士兵的马没有受伤 The trooper's horse was unharmed.