马萨诸塞州州警在普利茅斯25号雪道车祸中受伤。 Massachusetts State Police trooper injured in vehicle crash on snowy Route 25 in Plymouth.
周日早上 7 点 45 分左右,马萨诸塞州警察的车辆在普利茅斯的 25 号公路上撞上护栏时受伤。 A Massachusetts State Police trooper was injured on Sunday morning when their vehicle hit a guardrail on Route 25 in Plymouth around 7:45 a.m. 该士兵受了无生命威胁的伤。 The trooper suffered non-life-threatening injuries. 主管将调查该事件,尚未掌握坠机原因的细节。 A supervisor will investigate the incident, and details on the cause of the crash are not yet available. 事故发生在降雪期间,官员警告说有危险驾驶条件。 The accident occurred during snowfall, with officials warning of hazardous driving conditions.