1 400多万英国公民,包括430万儿童,生活在贫困之中,警告约瑟夫·朗特里基金会。 Over 14 million UK citizens, including 4.3 million children, live in poverty, warns the Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
据Joseph Rowntree基金会(JRF)报告,在联合王国有1 400多万人,包括430万儿童生活在贫困之中。 The Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) reports that over 14 million people, including 4.3 million children, are living in poverty in the UK. JRF批评光靠经济增长就能解决贫困的想法,敦促政府执行有针对性的政策,如取消双子女福利上限和调整普遍信贷利率。 The JRF criticizes the idea that economic growth alone can solve poverty, urging the government to implement targeted policies like removing the two-child benefit cap and adjusting Universal Credit rates. 慈善组织警告说,如果不采取行动,到2029年,儿童贫穷可能影响到三分之一的儿童。 The charity warns that without action, child poverty could affect one in three children by 2029.