伊利诺伊州共和党人起诉州立法地图无效 声称它不公平地偏向民主党 Illinois Republicans sue to invalidate state's legislative map, claiming it unfairly favors Democrats.
伊利诺伊州共和党人向州最高法院提起诉讼,辩称目前的立法图不公平地偏向民主党人,违反了州宪法对公平和紧凑区的要求。 Illinois Republicans have filed a lawsuit in the state Supreme Court, arguing that the current legislative map unfairly favors Democrats, violating state constitutional requirements for fair and compact districts. 他们试图使地图无效,并任命一位特别主人来划定新的边界,理由是地图不够紧凑,缺乏比例代表制。 They seek to invalidate the map and appoint a special master to draw new boundaries, citing the map's poor compactness and lack of proportional representation. 在两轮选举之后,共和党人失去了席位,尽管有更公平的地图要求建立更平衡的众议院。 The case follows two election cycles where Republicans lost seats, despite claims of a fairer map resulting in a more balanced House.