Paul Bourke因在爱尔兰贩运可卡因和持有武器被判处10年徒刑。 Paul Bourke sentenced to 10 years for cocaine trafficking and weapons possession in Ireland.
56岁的Paul Bourke因在爱尔兰基尔肯尼家中拥有价值170万欧元的可卡因、18 100欧元的现金和三支枪而被判处10年监禁。 Paul Bourke, 56, was sentenced to 10 years in prison for possessing over €1.7 million worth of cocaine, €18,100 in cash, and three guns at his home in Kilkenny, Ireland. 他认罪8项指控,包括爱尔兰各地的毒品分销。 He pleaded guilty to eight charges, including drug distribution across Ireland. 法官考虑了他的认罪、与警察的合作以及缺乏相关的犯罪历史,但指出了他的罪行的严重性。 The judge considered his guilty plea, cooperation with police, and lack of relevant criminal history, but noted the severity of his crimes.