加拿大更新救灾方案,以加快援助速度,重点是预防和抗灾能力。 Canada updates disaster relief program for quicker aid, focusing on prevention and resilience.
加拿大联邦政府更新了救灾方案,将防灾和抗灾列为优先事项。 Canada's federal government has updated its disaster relief program to prioritize prevention and resilience. 这些变化包括加快财政援助速度,为高风险地区减少未来灾害风险的重建努力提供高达90%的补偿。 The changes include faster financial assistance, with up to 90% reimbursement for rebuilding efforts in high-risk areas that reduce future disaster risks. 该方案现在提供更直接的支助,并将资金分为五类,包括应急和恢复援助。 The program now offers more immediate support and divides funding into five categories, including emergency response and recovery assistance. 领土在高风险地区获得全面覆盖,在非高风险地区获得60%覆盖。 Territories receive full coverage for high-risk areas and 60% for non-high-risk areas. 更新的目的是加快援助速度,此前需要七年时间,并定于4月1日生效。 The updates aim to expedite aid, previously taking up to seven years, and are set to take effect on April 1.