联邦应急管理局重组其救灾计划,增加资金,设立住房基金,并简化申请流程。 FEMA reorganizes its disaster assistance initiatives, increasing funding, setting up a housing fund, and streamlining the application process.
联邦紧急事务管理局 (FEMA) 宣布对其灾害援助计划进行重大调整,以应对日益增加的气候相关灾害。 The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has announced significant changes to its disaster assistance programs in response to increasing climate-related disasters. 此次改革包括扩大每人 750 美元的即时经济援助范围、设立新的即时住房基金以及取消流离失所受害者的文件要求。 The overhaul includes expanding access to $750 of immediate financial aid per person, establishing a new fund for immediate housing, and eliminating documentation requirements for displaced victims. 这些变化旨在解决脱节且往往势不可挡的联邦灾难响应问题,并提高灾难恢复的速度和有效性。 These changes aim to address the disjointed and often overwhelming federal disaster response and improve the speed and effectiveness of disaster recovery.