利物浦主教否认对性攻击和骚扰的指控;调查发现证据不足。 Bishop of Liverpool denies sexual assault and harassment claims; investigation finds insufficient evidence.
利物浦主教John Perumbalath否认两名妇女对性攻击和骚扰的指控。 The Bishop of Liverpool, John Perumbalath, denies allegations of sexual assault and harassment made by two women. 一名妇女指控他未经同意亲吻她并摸摸她,另一名妇女声称她受到骚扰。 One woman accuses him of kissing her without consent and groping her, while another claims she was harassed. 国家保护小组进行了调查,但发现没有足够的证据采取进一步行动。 The National Safeguarding Team investigated but found insufficient evidence for further action. 英格兰教会支持申诉人并强调其致力于认真处理这些问题。 The Church of England supports the complainants and emphasizes its commitment to handling such issues seriously.