前犹他主教Mark Lehnhof Stevens被控在教堂集会上对一名16岁女孩进行性攻击。 Former Utah bishop Mark Lehnhof Stevens is charged with sexually assaulting a 16-year-old girl in church meetings.
Mark Lehnhof Stevens, 68岁,前犹他主教,被控在2006-2007年就一名16岁女孩在教堂担任领导职务问题开会期间,对她进行性攻击。 Mark Lehnhof Stevens, 68, a former Utah bishop, is charged with sexually assaulting a 16-year-old girl in 2006-2007 during meetings about her leadership role in the church. 史蒂文斯面临一级重罪指控 强迫鸡奸 和两项二级强迫性虐待罪 Stevens faces first-degree felony charges of forcible sodomy and two counts of second-degree forcible sexual abuse. 盐湖郡地区检察官赞扬受害者站出来,并敦促其他幸存者报告事件。 The Salt Lake County District Attorney praised the victim for coming forward and urged other survivors to report incidents. 史蒂文斯被推定无罪 直到证明有罪 Stevens is presumed innocent until proven guilty.