犹他州立法者批准了一项核能倡议,引发了关于安全和可持续性的辩论。 Utah lawmakers approve a nuclear energy initiative, sparking debate over safety and sustainability.
犹他州立法机构一致通过一项法案,成立犹他州能源理事会和核能联合会,旨在开发微型反应器或小型模块反应堆,以满足未来的能源需求。 Utah's legislature unanimously passed a bill to establish the Utah Energy Council and a nuclear energy consortium, aiming to develop microreactors or small modular reactors to meet future energy needs. 虽然支持者认为这是朝向可靠和可持续的能源迈出的一步, 批评者却对健康和安全风险感到担忧, While supporters see this as a step towards reliable and sustainable energy, critics are concerned about health and safety risks, referencing past nuclear testing impacts on "Utah downwinders." 由于监管障碍,预计这一进程将耗时十年以上。 The process is expected to take over a decade due to regulatory hurdles.