南卡罗来纳州参议院成立一个能源未来特别委员会,以制定国家能源政策综合法案。 South Carolina Senate forms a Special Committee on Energy Future to develop a comprehensive bill for state energy policy.
南卡罗来纳州参议院成立了南卡罗来纳州能源未来特别委员会,以制定一项全面法案,指导国家能源政策,同时应对快速增长和不断变化的发电趋势。 South Carolina Senate establishes Special Committee on South Carolina's Energy Future to create a comprehensive bill guiding the state's energy policy amid rapid growth and evolving power generation trends. 委员会会议定于10月举行,并邀请包括付息者、环保人士和电力生产技术专家在内的利益攸关方参加。 The committee, with meetings scheduled through October, invites stakeholders including ratepayers, environmentalists, and experts on electricity production technology. 该法案旨在为公用事业提供稳定的运营规则和明确的能源政策,以规划未来的增长,解决人口增长、先进制造业、数据中心和电动车辆等因素。 The bill aims to provide stable operating rules for utilities and clear energy policies to plan for future growth, addressing factors such as population growth, advanced manufacturing, data centers, and electric vehicles. 委员会还将审议包括核电在内的各种发电选择,并处理该国过去在V.C.废弃核项目方面的经验所引起的关切。 The committee will also consider various power generation options, including nuclear power, and address concerns from the state's past experience with an abandoned nuclear project at V.C. 夏季核电站 Summer Nuclear Station.