军官在格鲁吉亚一所高中拦住一名14岁的枪手,造成两人死亡,七人受伤。 Officers stopped a 14-year-old shooter at a Georgia high school, leaving two dead and seven injured.
9月4日, Chase Boyd和Brandon King警官在佐治亚州Winder的Apalache高中与一名14岁的枪手对质。 Officers Chase Boyd and Brandon King confronted a 14-year-old shooter at Apalachee High School in Winder, Georgia, on September 4. 警官们听到枪声,冲向现场,在烟雾横行的走廊发现枪手。 The officers heard gunshots, raced to the scene, and found the shooter in a smoky hallway. 在命令他趴在地上后,他们给他戴上手铐,尽管他仍然有攻击性。 After ordering him to the ground, they handcuffed him, though he remained aggressive. 事件造成2人死亡,7人受伤。 The incident left two dead and seven injured. 枪手Colt Gray和他的父亲Colin Gray因多项指控被起诉,包括重罪谋杀。 The shooter, Colt Gray, and his father, Colin Gray, were indicted on multiple charges, including felony murder. Boyd认为,人数有限的伤亡是神的干预造成的。 Boyd believes the limited casualties were a result of divine intervention.