16岁的Graham-Kapowsin高中学生腿部中弹、目标事件、枪手逃跑、身份不明。 16-year-old Graham-Kapowsin High School student shot in leg, targeted incident, shooter fled, unidentified.
华盛顿Graham-Kapowsin高中一名16岁学生在9月6日前往公共汽车站时腿部中弹。 A 16-year-old student from Graham-Kapowsin High School in Washington was shot in the leg while walking to a bus stop on September 6. 事件发生在上午7时左右,靠近第186街和第82大道。 The incident occurred around 7 a.m. near 186th Street and 82nd Avenue. 受害者受到无生命威胁的伤害,并住院治疗。 The victim sustained non-life-threatening injuries and was hospitalized. 持车逃离现场的枪手身份不明。 The shooter, who fled the scene in a vehicle, remains unidentified. 当局认为枪击是针对目标 并敦促任何有情报的人 与执法部门联系 Authorities believe the shooting was targeted and are urging anyone with information to contact law enforcement.