10岁和2名13岁的人因在伦敦德里发生暴乱而被捕,在一次游行中打伤10名警官。 10-year-old and two 13-year-olds arrested for rioting in Londonderry, injuring 10 police officers during a parade.
在伦敦德里,3名男孩,包括1名10岁和2名13岁男孩,因8月10日暴动被捕。 In Londonderry, three boys, including a 10-year-old and two aged 13, were arrested for rioting on August 10. Nailors Row地区的暴力事件使至少10名警察受伤,他们面临汽油炸弹、烟花和石头。 The violence in the Nailors Row area injured at least 10 police officers, who faced petrol bombs, fireworks, and stones. 在Derry学徒男孩救济组织游行期间,发生了一次警察行动,随后发生了骚乱。 The unrest followed a police operation during the Apprentice Boys' Relief of Derry parade. 这两名男孩被保释,警察进行了搜查,扣押了几件物品,作为正在进行的调查的一部分。 The boys were released on bail, and police conducted searches, seizing several items as part of the ongoing investigation.