电动学校经历了重大数据破解,有可能暴露数百万学生和教师的数据。 PowerSchool experiences major data breach, potentially exposing millions of students' and teachers' data.
电力学校是学生和教师数据的软件供应商,其数据遭到重大破坏,可能影响到数百万学生和教师。 PowerSchool, a software provider for student and teacher data, has experienced a significant data breach affecting potentially millions of students and teachers. 虽然整个范围不清楚,但北卡罗来纳州官员认为,成千上万的社会保障数字可能受到影响。 While the full extent is unclear, North Carolina officials believe hundreds of thousands of Social Security numbers could be compromised. 电力学校正在为受影响者提供免费的身份保护和信贷监测服务。 PowerSchool is offering free identity protection and credit monitoring services for those affected. 该公司声称,威胁已经得到遏制,没有关于盗用身份的报告。 The company claims the threat has been contained and no identity theft has been reported.