肯塔基州Thomas堡独立学校 通知了910个 影响个人信息的数据泄露事件 Fort Thomas Independent Schools in Kentucky notify 910 of data breach affecting personal info.
肯塔基州的托马斯堡独立学校报告了影响910名学生,家长和工作人员的数据泄露事件. Fort Thomas Independent Schools in Kentucky reported a data breach affecting 910 students, parents, and staff. 该漏洞是由网络钓鱼攻击引起的,该攻击涉及 Microsoft 365 邮箱中的恶意应用程序,暴露了个人信息,包括姓名、地址、出生日期、社会安全号码和健康数据。 The breach resulted from a phishing attack involving a malicious application in Microsoft 365 mailboxes, exposing personal information including names, addresses, birth dates, Social Security numbers, and health data. 该区已经通知了受影响的人,并正在加强安全措施。 The district has notified those affected and is enhancing security measures.