新西兰工人在一项重大调查中表示,在工作、住房和健康方面,他们极不安全。 New Zealand workers express deep insecurity over jobs, housing, and health in a major survey.
新西兰工会理事会的年度劳动力调查模式显示,工人在工作、住房和保健方面普遍不安全。 The annual Mood of the Workforce survey by the New Zealand Council of Trade Unions reveals widespread insecurity among workers concerning jobs, housing, and health. 1 900多名与会者对工作保障、生活条件和医疗保健表示担忧,批评政府有利于特权者的政策。 Over 1,900 participants expressed fears over job security, living conditions, and healthcare, criticizing government policies that benefit the privileged. NZCTU主席呼吁改变方向,以更好地支持劳动人民。 The NZCTU president called for a change in direction to better support working people.