在Marrero被致命枪杀的人 杰佛逊教区治安官办公室调查 Man fatally shot in Marrero; Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office investigates.
1 月 27 日星期一下午 6 点左右,一名男子在杰斐逊教区的马雷罗被枪杀。杰斐逊教区警长办公室的代表对 Sayers Drive 6800 街区的枪声报告做出了回应,并在一所房子里发现了受害者。 A man was fatally shot in Marrero, Jefferson Parish, on Monday, January 27, around 6 p.m. Deputies from the Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office responded to gunfire reports at the 6800 block of Sayers Drive and found the victim inside a home. 调查正在进行之中,当局正在向任何人索取有关该事件详情的信息。 The investigation is ongoing, and authorities are seeking information from anyone with details about the incident. 受害者的身份尚未公布。 The victim's identity has not been released.