Chattanooga警察对夜总会外面的枪击事件进行调查;证人、警卫和回击。 Chattanooga police investigate shooting outside nightclub; witness, security guard, returns fire.
查塔努加警察局正在调查 星期天清晨 在格拉斯街的梦之夜夜总会外发生的枪击案 The Chattanooga Police Department is investigating a shooting that occurred outside the Dream nightclub on Glass Street early Sunday morning. 一名24岁的男子被枪杀,并被送往医院,伤势没有威胁生命。 A 24-year-old man was shot and taken to the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. 附近一家企业的一名保安目睹了枪击,并向嫌疑人开枪还击。 A security guard from a nearby business witnessed the shooting and fired back at the suspect. 警方要求任何有情报的人 拨打423 -698 -2525 The police are asking anyone with information to call 423-698-2525.