查塔努加警方对汉密尔顿广场购物中心附近可能发生的枪击事件做出了反应;嫌疑人是一名心怀不满的员工,开枪自杀。 Chattanooga Police responded to a potential active shooter situation near Hamilton Place Mall; the suspect, a disgruntled employee, fatally shot himself.
查塔努加警方对汉密尔顿广场购物中心附近可能发生的枪击事件做出了反应。 Chattanooga Police responded to a potential active shooter situation near Hamilton Place Mall. 犯罪嫌疑人是一名心怀不满的员工,他未能执行计划并开枪自杀。 The suspect, a disgruntled employee, failed to execute a plan and fatally shot himself. 办公室内没有其他人受伤。 No one else in the office was injured. 事件发生期间,该购物中心和周边企业被封锁,但现已恢复营业。 The mall and surrounding businesses were placed on lockdown during the incident but have since resumed operations.