联合王国公布的平均薪金超过40 000英镑,高于37 577英镑,原因是对熟练工人的需求很高。 UK average advertised salaries exceed £40,000, up from £37,577, due to high demand for skilled workers.
Adzuna报告说,由于对熟练工人的需求高和雇主不愿雇用,联合王国平均公布的工资已经从去年的37 577英镑增加到40 000英镑以上。 Adzuna reports that average advertised salaries in the UK have increased to over £40,000, up from £37,577 last year, due to high demand for skilled workers and employers' hesitancy to hire. 研究还发现每个空缺有两名求职者,填补职位的时间增加到34天。 The study also found two jobseekers for each vacancy, with the time to fill jobs increasing to 34 days. 法律角色需要31天才能填补,医疗和护理职位需要37天。 Legal roles take 31 days to fill, while healthcare and nursing positions take 37 days. 一半以上的雇主没有在招聘广告中包括薪酬细节,将2024年定为薪金透明度方面最差的一年。 Over half of employers did not include pay details in job ads, marking 2024 as the worst year for salary transparency.