两名游客从塔斯马尼亚的悬崖上摔倒;一名游客从海中获救,体温过低。 Two tourists fell from a cliff in Tasmania; one was rescued from the sea with hypothermia.
两名20多岁的欧洲游客从塔斯马尼亚布朗山附近的悬崖上摔倒, Two European tourists in their 20s fell from a cliff near Mount Brown in Tasmania while off the marked trail. 该名妇女在抵达海岸时受轻伤,但该男子被冲到海上,被一艘Pennicott Wilderness Tours船救出,然后空运到皇家Hobart医院,疑似体温过低。 The woman reached shore with minor injuries, but the man was swept out to sea and rescued by a Pennicott Wilderness Tours boat, then airlifted to the Royal Hobart Hospital with suspected hypothermia. 当地警察强调,必须坚持在指定道路上,以避免此类事件。 Local police emphasized the importance of staying on designated paths to avoid such incidents.