北岸山区有两名远足者在仰赖徒步旅行程序后获救, 突显出徒步无准备旅行的风险。 Two hikers rescued in North Shore mountains after relying on hiking apps, highlighting risks of unprepared trekking.
在温哥华大都会北岸山区, 两名国际徒步旅行者在完全依靠在线徒步旅行程序后获救。 Two international hikers were rescued in Metro Vancouver's North Shore mountains after relying solely on online hiking apps. 其中一个低估了非官方的足迹,变得疲惫和体温过低,另一个则面对着陡峭的悬崖,沿着应用程序连接的路线前进。 One underestimated an unofficial trail, becoming exhausted and hypothermic, while the other faced steep cliffs by following connected routes from the app. 北岸救援组织建议适当的规划和包装基本装备,以避免此类危险。 North Shore Rescue advises proper planning and packing essential gear to avoid such dangers.