三名远足者在塔斯马尼亚获救;在新南威尔士州继续寻找一名失踪的远足者。 Three hikers rescued in Tasmania; search continues for a missing hiker in New South Wales.
两名20多岁的远足者从塔斯马尼亚的Freycinet国家公园的陡峭地形中获救,而一名50岁男子在西南部的单人远足中失踪后被发现安全。 Two hikers in their 20s were rescued from steep terrain in Tasmania's Freycinet National Park, while a 50-year-old man was found safe after going missing on a solo hike in the south-west. 这些事件是继上周塔斯马尼亚公园三名远足者死亡后发生的。 These incidents follow the deaths of three hikers in Tasmanian parks last week. 在新南威尔士州,寻找一名失踪的23岁徒步者的工作一直持续到第9天。 In New South Wales, the search for a missing 23-year-old hiker continues into its ninth day.