Roche's Elevidys显示Duchenne肌肉萎缩病人的运动功能有持续改善。 Roche's Elevidys shows lasting improvements in motor functions for Duchenne muscular dystrophy patients.
Roche的基因治疗药物Elevidys显示,在后期试验中,运动功能,如站立、行走和患有Duchenne肌肉萎缩症(DMD)的病人的跑步等,有了显著改善。 Roche's gene therapy drug, Elevidys, showed significant improvements in motor functions like standing, walking, and running in patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) in late-stage trials. 治疗后,福利至少维持两年。 Benefits were maintained for at least two years after treatment. 目前,包括美国在内的一些国家为4岁及4岁以上的DMD病人提供这种药物,有些地区有具体年龄限制。 The drug is currently available in several countries, including the US, for DMD patients aged 4 and older, with specific age restrictions in some regions. 没有发现任何新的安全关切。 No new safety concerns were identified.