纽约州州警Thomas Mascia在声称在值勤时被射杀被视为虚假之后自首。 NY State Trooper Thomas Mascia turns himself in after his claim of being shot on duty is deemed false.
27岁的纽约州州警Thomas Mascia在声称在执勤时被枪杀后向警察自首,但发现他的说法前后不一致。 New York State Trooper Thomas Mascia, 27, turned himself in to police after his claim of being shot on duty was found to be inconsistent. Mascia及其父母面临指控,包括篡改证据、伪造文件和官方不当行为。 Mascia and his parents face charges including tampering with evidence, falsifying documents, and official misconduct. 对长岛南部州立公园大道涉嫌枪击案的调查显示,他的账户存在差异,导致他被停职,并在他与父母合住的家中发现了 100 万美元。 The investigation into the alleged shooting on Long Island’s Southern State Parkway revealed discrepancies in his account, leading to his suspension and the discovery of $1 million at his home shared with his parents.