中国狮子舞蹈团Lingdong将女性纳入以男性为主的艺术形式,从而挑战传统的性别规范。 Lingdong, a Chinese lion dance troupe, challenges traditional gender norms by including women in a male-dominated art form.
随着月球新年的临近,一个叫林东的中国狮子舞蹈团正在挑战传统的性别规范,将女性表演者也包括在内。 As Lunar New Year approaches, a Chinese lion dance troupe called Lingdong is challenging traditional gender norms by including female performers. 狮子舞蹈是一种传统上以男性为主的艺术形式,它结合了杂技、武术和戏剧,以带来好运和抵御恶灵。 Traditionally a male-dominated art form, lion dancing combines acrobatics, martial arts, and theater to bring good fortune and ward off evil spirits. 剧团教练的目标是男女人数相等,甚至设想组建一支全女性队伍,作为中国更广泛的文化转变的一部分。 The troupe's coach aims to have equal numbers of women and men, even envisioning an all-female team, as part of a broader cultural shift in China.