四国在棉兰老与中国关系紧张的情况下参加海上执法培训。 Four nations join for maritime law enforcement training in Mindanao amid tensions with China.
菲律宾、美国、越南和印度尼西亚的海岸警卫队和渔业官员参加了在棉兰老举行的为期两周的海上执法培训。 Coast guard and fisheries officials from the Philippines, US, Vietnam, and Indonesia participated in a two-week maritime law enforcement training in Mindanao. 培训的目的是在与中国不断加剧的海上紧张局势中加强合作。 The training aimed to enhance cooperation amid growing maritime tensions with China. 会议涉及船只安全登船、海事法、证据收集、安全和逮捕技术。 Sessions covered safe vessel boarding, maritime law, evidence collection, safety, and arrest techniques. 澳大利亚边境部队观察了训练情况。 The Australian Border Force observed the training.