人权监察站指出, 埃及削减教育预算, 教室条件和识字率恶化, Egypt slashes education budget, worsening classroom conditions and literacy rates, Human Rights Watch says.
埃及当局面临人权观察的批评,指责它削减教育预算,导致教育质量差、教师短缺和学校基础设施不足。 Egyptian authorities face criticism from Human Rights Watch for reducing the education budget, leading to poor-quality education, teacher shortages, and inadequate school infrastructure. 教育预算从2014/15年度占国内生产总值的3.9%下降到2024/25年度的1.7%,低于宪法和国际标准。 The budget for education has fallen from 3.9% of GDP in 2014/15 to 1.7% in 2024/25, below constitutional and international standards. 这一减少使教室过于拥挤和文盲率高等问题更加恶化。 This reduction has worsened issues like overcrowded classrooms and high illiteracy rates.