加拿大飞行博物馆迁至Pitt Meadows,扩大至原规模的四倍以上。 Canadian Museum of Flight moves to Pitt Meadows, expanding to over four times its original size.
位于不列颠哥伦比亚省的加拿大飞行博物馆在将近30年后正从Langley机场迁往Pitt Meadows区域机场。 The Canadian Museum of Flight, located in British Columbia, is moving from Langley Airport to Pitt Meadows Regional Airport after nearly 30 years. 该博物馆目前占地约2,100平方米,在新址将扩大到10,000平方米以上,面积将翻四番以上。 The museum, which currently occupies about 2,100 square meters, will expand to over 10,000 square meters at its new location, more than quadrupling its size. 搬迁之前,与Pitt Meadows机场协会达成了协议。 The relocation follows an agreement with the Pitt Meadows Airport Society.