澳大利亚的战争"探讨了澳大利亚土著和英国帝国之间的冲突, 记录了超过72,000名土著人的死亡. BBC Four HD airs "The Australian Wars," exploring conflicts between Indigenous Australians and the British Empire, noting over 72,000 Aboriginal deaths.
《澳大利亚战争》系列纪录片在BBC Four HD上播出, 探索大英帝国与土著澳大利亚人之间的冲突与条约, The documentary series "The Australian Wars," airing on BBC Four HD, explores conflicts and treaties between the British Empire and Indigenous Australians. 最后一集由Rachel Perkins导演,涉及废除奴隶制和对土著人民的影响,突出了大约72 000名土著人的死亡情况。 Directed by Rachel Perkins, the final episode covers the abolition of slavery and the impact on Indigenous people, highlighting the deaths of around 72,000 Aboriginal people. 该系列还考察了重大战斗以及1820年代塔斯马尼亚冲突死难者没有纪念碑的情况。 The series also examines significant battles and the lack of memorials for those who died in the Tasmanian conflict of the 1820s.