澳大利亚人纪念澳大利亚日, 庆祝、反思及抗议民族认同。 Australians mark Australia Day with celebrations, reflections, and protests over national identity.
随着澳大利亚日的临近,国家看到静静的反省、抗议和庆祝筹备工作的混合。 As Australia Day approaches, the nation sees a mix of quiet reflection, protests, and preparations for celebrations. 有些人把这一天作为国庆节, 另一些人则抗议, 认为这是痛苦的提醒人们殖民化。 Some honor the day as a national holiday, while others protest, viewing it as a painful reminder of colonization. 各种反应凸显了目前关于该国历史和身份的辩论。 The diverse reactions highlight ongoing debates over the country's history and identity.