昆士兰州政府对历史上虐待土著居民和托雷斯海峡岛民的事件展开为期三年的真相调查。 Queensland's government launches a three-year truth-telling inquiry into historical mistreatment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
昆士兰州政府正在进行为期三年的真相调查,探讨其历史上如何对待土著居民和托雷斯海峡岛民。 Queensland's government is undergoing a three-year truth-telling inquiry addressing its historical treatment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. 包括警务专员在内的关键官员承认,160年来在提供服务方面一直失败,过去也发生了虐待事件,包括土地被剥夺和 " 被盗一代 " 。 Key officials, including the police commissioner, acknowledged 160 years of failures in service delivery and past abuses, including land dispossession and the Stolen Generations. 调查将举行会议,收集社区经验和专家见解,以促进愈合和问责制。 The inquiry will hold sessions to gather community experiences and expert insights, aiming to foster healing and accountability.