卡塔尔劳动部报告说,在办理许可证和通过数字转换解决争端方面,效率大大提高。 Qatar's Ministry of Labour reports major efficiency gains in processing permits and resolving disputes through digital transformation.
卡塔尔劳工部报告说,由于Q4 2024的数字转换,效率有了显著提高。 Qatar's Ministry of Labour reports a significant boost in efficiency due to digital transformation in Q4 2024. 工作许可证司处理了120 696份申请,劳资纠纷司解决了6 316份投诉中的3 077份,劳动检查司向616家公司发出警告,并提交了2 190份违规报告。 The Work Permits Department processed 120,696 applications, the Labour Disputes Department resolved 3,077 of 6,316 complaints, and the Labour Inspection Department issued warnings to 616 companies and filed 2,190 violation reports. 该部敦促遵守劳工法以改善工作条件。 The Ministry urges compliance with labour laws to improve work conditions.