卡塔尔的劳工平台现在允许雇主对工人和机构提出投诉。 Qatar's labour platform now lets employers file complaints against workers and agencies.
卡塔尔劳动部加强了统一投诉和争端平台,增加了对雇主的服务。 The Ministry of Labour in Qatar has enhanced its Unified Complaints and Disputes Platform, adding services for employers. 这一现代化努力使私营部门的雇主能够对工人提出投诉,雇主能够对帮佣工人提出投诉,个人和企业都可以对注册的招聘机构提出投诉。 This modernization effort allows private sector employers to file complaints against workers, employers to lodge complaints against domestic workers, and both individuals and businesses to submit grievances against registered recruitment agencies. 该平台可通过国家认证系统获取智能卡,使雇主能够跟踪和审查他们的投诉和对他们提出的投诉。 Accessible via the National Authentication System with smart cards, the platform lets employers track and review their complaints and those filed against them.