梅特兰公园举办澳大利亚日庆祝活动,举行庆典和41名新公民宣誓就职。 Maitland Park hosts Australia Day celebrations with festivities and 41 new citizens sworn in.
数百人聚集在麦特兰公园参加澳洲节庆典, 享受宠物动物园、丁字裤抛掷、麻雀赛、经典汽车、免费游泳池。 Hundreds gathered in Maitland Park for Australia Day festivities, enjoying a petting zoo, thong throwing, sack races, classic cars, and free pool access. 当地乐队和团体提供了娱乐活动,当天以放映澳大利亚电影的 Dive in Cinema 结束。 Local bands and groups provided entertainment, and the day concluded with a Dive in Cinema showing Australian films. 同时,来自21个国家的41名新公民在迈特兰市政厅受到欢迎,庆祝他们的新地位和最近在暴风雨恢复工作中表现出的社区精神。 Meanwhile, 41 new citizens from 21 countries were welcomed at Maitland Town Hall, celebrating their new status and the community spirit shown during recent storm recovery efforts.