Australia 2025日是澳洲公民庆典日。 Australia Day 2025 saw celebrations of citizenship amid protests over the holiday's meaning.
在2025年的澳大利亚日,数千名新公民在庆祝和抗议国家假日时宣誓成为公民。 On Australia Day 2025, thousands of new citizens took the oath of citizenship as the country celebrated and protested the national holiday. 许多人称1月26日为「入侵日」, 并反对庆祝第一舰队抵达。 Large, peaceful protests occurred in major cities, with many calling January 26 "Invasion Day" and arguing against the celebration of the First Fleet's arrival. Wiradjuri-Biripi艺术家James P. Simon用艺术作品点亮悉尼歌剧院, 强调土著文化。 The Sydney Opera House was lit with artwork by Wiradjuri-Biripi artist James P. Simon, emphasizing Aboriginal culture. 同时,其他人享受海滩之旅、烧烤和音乐会。 Meanwhile, others enjoyed beach trips, barbecues, and music concerts. 总理Albanese在公民仪式上赞扬民主价值观, 反对党领袖Peter Dutton则鼓励庆祝澳大利亚的遗产和移民故事。 Prime Minister Anthony Albanese praised democratic values at citizenship ceremonies, while Opposition Leader Peter Dutton encouraged celebrating Australia's heritage and migrant story.