澳洲巴瑟斯特节庆祝新的生活传奇和BMEC的获奖者。 Australia Day in Bathurst honored new Living Legends and award winners at the BMEC.
在巴瑟斯特举行的2025年澳大利亚日庆祝活动在Bathurst汽车娱乐综合体(BMEC)举行仪式,在那里,新的生活传奇传说和其他获奖者荣获荣誉。 The 2025 Australia Day celebrations in Bathurst featured ceremonies at the Bathurst Motor Entertainment Complex (BMEC), where new Living Legends were honored, along with other award winners. 活动照片由Oberon Review发表, 反映出今日精神及社区对当地成就的认可。 Photos from the event were published by the Oberon Review, capturing the spirit of the day and the community's recognition of local achievements.