大苏德伯里消防员在两天的时间里 打了一场巨大的土豆仓库大火 和一场可疑的公寓大火。 Greater Sudbury firefighters fought a massive potato warehouse fire and a suspicious apartment blaze over two days.
1月24日至25日, 大苏德伯里消防员忙碌于1月24日至25日, 应对Don Poulin土豆仓库火灾及安特卫普大道可疑公寓火灾, Greater Sudbury firefighters were kept busy over January 24-25, responding to a fire at Don Poulin Potatoes' warehouse and a suspicious apartment fire on Antwerp Avenue. 仓库大火涉及约两百万磅土豆,造成60万美元的损失。 The warehouse fire involved about two million pounds of potatoes, causing a $600,000 loss. 公寓大火将两个人送进医院。 The apartment fire sent two people to the hospital. 来自各地区的志愿人员和职业工作人员参与了行动。 Volunteer and career crews from various districts were involved in the operations.